IONA MILLER WEB PRESENCE WHAT’S NEW: Updated 5-2010 PERPETUAL MENU: ionamiller.iwarp.com http://www.facebook.com/iona.miller Join me on Facebook Sacred Geometry means different things to different people, depending on their interest in and entree to the subject. Broadly, it includes everything from the beauty of Platonic solids and the Golden Mean spiral and Fibonacci sequences to Pythagorean and Vedic mathematics, alphanumerics, kabbalistic glyphs, Merkabah Mysticism, Bucky Fuller's tetrahedral Synergetics, to artistic subject matter, such as Fractals, Cymatics, Yantras, Mandalas, and magic squares and circles. Even crop circles showcase sacred geometry, regardless of their origin.
To me geometry is "sacred" when it reflects Nature, and our own nature, as experienced externally and internally. There is evidence that geometry and hieroglyphics developed through cymatics, the acoustic resonance between sound and form. Simple sand on a drumhead will produce many classical geometric forms and embryonic letters or numbers. Our DNA forms our bodies in the same way with sound and coherent light (see my Bioholography paper). It is the song of life.
Sacred Geometry is also the archetypal realm of topological dynamics, hyperdimensionality, and metaphysical geometrical templates. "God is always geometrizing", Plato said.
Curiously, the primordial geometrical matrix of the kabbalistic Tree of Life directly mirrors the dynamic geometrical transforms of atomic structure. They found it by looking within themselves. The Tree of Life elegantly models the entire universe in minimal graphic elements - lines, spheres, and colors. This resonance is the basis of modern meditations on the Cube of Space or Throne Chariot of God (Merkabah).
In the early 80's, before Stan Tenen, Dan Winter, and Drunvallo, I had my own unique revelation about this nested geometric figure, based on my previous work in Synergetics, Hermetic qabalah and physics. I have purposely not studied their systems to keep my vision clear and original. Others (Haramein) may have carried their insights and articulations further, but some of mine are unique. I have also not commercialized them. After all, ultimately we must each remain true to our own vision.
Comprehending the physics of the plenum by wrapping our minds around it is one thing, a concept; living from that place experientially is another. Take a long, hard look inside and see what you find. You may find the Universe smiling back at you from that Abyss. |
Site Updates include:
SEE LINKS page for my new MANDALA galleries and slide shows.
THE DIAMOND BODY http://zero-point.tripod.com/diamondbody/dbodytoc.html Buckminster Fuller & the Qabala http://www.members.tripod.com/Sourceress/
ALL ABOUT NOTHING (ZPE) Anatomy of the Star Goddess http://zero-point.tripod.com/stargoddess/anatomy.html
SYNDEX: The Auric Key and the basewave in the natural number sequence SYNDEX1 and SYNDEX2http://syndex2.iwarp.com/ http://syndex1.iwarp.com/ The Dodecahedral Universe http://spiritualphysics.iwarp.com
SYNERGETICS http://www.buckminster.info/ Pics/Posters/
Synergetic Qabala http://members.tripod.com/Zero-Point/synqbl/synarachy.html Iona Miller's Qabalistic Art http://members.tripod.com/Zero-Point/qblart/qblartgallery2.html N=50 V=6 Jain's Mathemagics http://jainmathemagics.com Nassim Haramein http://theresonanceproject.org David Wilcock on Kozyrev http://www.divinecosmos.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=95&Itemid=36 |
Welcome To THE IONASPHERE Home Page
I now have three main Homepages with menus, because I've had to move on as each filled to capacity. The original is IONASPHERE 2000: http://www.reocities.com/Athens/Atrium/1471/index.html 2000-2007 is here IONATOPIA 2007: ionatopia.50megs.com 2008 and full menu is here MENU: http://ionamiller2008.iwarp.com 2010 Writings http://ionamiller2010.iwarp.com SOCIAL NETWORKS FACEBOOK Iona Miller TRIBE people.tribe.net/ionamiller BLOG: people.tribe.net/ionamiller MySpace: www.myspace.com/ionamiller
www.emergentmind.org JNLRMI Associate Editor My portals each contain one main subject and are compilations of my writing on those topics. |
Site Enhancements
This portal is designed to streamline your surfing of my web presence regarding Sacred Geometry. Links are provided here, as well as condensed descriptions of large sites, covering several aspects of the subject and their psychophysical, psychological and spiritual meaning.
Iona has a series of subject-oriented portals as introductions to large collections of her works. These include Synergetic Qabala, Biophysics, Heartstrings, Psiona, Digital Universe, Future Science, Creativity, Science-Art, Chaosophy, Mythic Living, Edgeworks Hypnosis, Magical Perfume, Modern Alchemist, and a variety of Update pages with new links and writing. Io blogs at http://people.tribe.net/ionamiller
New Art at http://kabbalahluminata.50megs.com ttp://digitaluniverse.50megs.com 2010 Homepage http://ionamiller2010.iwarp.com |

Self Portrait, Miller '05
The geometrical paintings and forms presented here are a small portion of my artistic body of work. See my other sites for more psychological, symbolic, and mythopoetic artwork.
Send Iona an email |